Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This Week, Same Old

Not much has gone on since my last post. We are continually doing the same routine and not a whole lot varies from that. As for our new puppy Abbi Grace is allergic to her so she went back from where we got her from on Friday. This past weekend we went to an Indoor Waterpark called Kalahari. We had a lot of fun. Addison went on the wave rider and all the slides that he was tall enough to go on. We got back on Sunday afternoon and then went to Awana and continued with our noral life. I was really reflecting this week on how thankful I am this Thanksgiving. God has and continues to bless us everyday. We have been blessed. I am still not doing the best at keeping up with my house, and I am always behind. The mess is always there and I often wish that I had a maid, or didn't work. But that is the season I am in now. Well I am off to finish my shift in another hour and have lots to do.

1 comment:

Ashlee Davis said...

love your new page. glad addison could ride all the rides...i hope it is the same at massanutten for the boys