Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Do we compare too much

Tonight at MOPS I was totally convicted. The topic was on how we as moms are constantly comparing. Our speaker was Marla Taviano, a christian mom and author.We all understand what comparing goes on daily. You know "I wish I could do... like she does", or "I wish I didn't have... and had... like she does". I could go on and on. Though the other women in my group didn't really have any comments about it I thought to myself that often sounds like me. Through certain circumstances recently I have learned to do with much less than before, however, it is easy to think that if circumstances were not the way they were how much more content I would be. So I have made a commitment to the Lord to be content with what I have and not for what I wish I had. To not look at those around me to what I do have that they don't and what they have that I don't. Here is a list of 8 things to do when you are tempted to judge or compare
1. Fix your eyes on Jesus
2. Remember God created you and loves you for who you are
3. Remember God created her and loves her and tells you not to judge
4. Make the most of what you've been given
5.Spend your time delighting in the Lord
6. Get some perspective
7. Count your blessings
8.Rejoice when God blesses others

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